Friday, June 25, 2010

Is Your Website Working

If you're as familiar with your website as I am with mine, then you may be blind to certain weaknesses. It's only natural. When you see something on a regular basis, you begin to not see it after a while.

Just the other day somebody pointed out a spelling error on my home page (in a bolded sentence no less). I had probably looked at the sentence a thousand times. But because I knew what it was supposed to say, I was blind to the mistake.

What does this have to do with real estate Internet marketing? Everything. From a marketing standpoint, we all have flaws with our websites. That's okay, as long as you work to identify them and improve them. But identifying them is the hard part!

Internet Marketing Exercise
This little exercise will help you "step outside" of yourself and see your website with fresh eyes. Pretend for a moment that your website belongs to a stranger, and you're being paid to evaluate it honestly. Now print out the following questions and visit your home page:
  • Is the navigation logical? Can you immediately find your way around?
  • Within the first ten seconds, do you see anything of value to you?
  • Do you see anything worth digging deeper for?
  • Does this website give you confidence in the owner?
  • Does the website suggest professionalism and attention to detail?
  • Does the website make you want to learn more? Why or why not?
I hope this exercise helps you find areas you might improve. Once you've done it with your home page,  you might even want to visit your other important pages and ask the same questions.

Better yet, ask a friend to do it for you ... somebody known for their brutal honesty.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Victoria Real Estate Figures - First Five Months 2010

The first five months of 2010 are now completed and the auction market has delivered some remarkable outcomes.

In February and March, the first two months in which a substantial number of auctions are held, the market exhibited record results. In February there were 2286 auctions, of which 85.6 per cent sold. In March there were 2931 auctions and the same clearance rate was recorded. This makes it the equal-fourth-strongest month for auctions in the city’s history, exceeded only by September 1999 (86 per cent), May 2007 (85.7 per cent) and July 2007 (86.5 per cent).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

How to Start your Real Estate Newsletter

A regular newsletter is an effective marketing tool for real estate agents.  Newsletters can establish you as a market expert, give you ongoing communication with potential clients and give you an advertising edge with a targeted audience. 

         Identify your Audience
This is a golden rule of any marketing project, and a real estate newsletter is no difference.  Write down a list of the kind of people you want to reach: retirees or people getting ready to retire, first home buyers or investors.

         Decide on Information your Audience Will be Interested in
People getting ready to retire will want to know if market prices are going up or down, as it could affect their decision on when to buy.  First home buyers will want to know information about new schools or shopping areas.

3.       List your Ideas on Topics that Fit the Audience you are Targeting
Keep adding to the list as you think of ideas.  A regular newsletter needs content, search through local newspapers, publications from local bodies, people you talk to and other sources for ideas.

4.       Schedule Regular Delivery
Once your audience gets used to seeing the newsletter, they will come to expect it.  If you decide distribution takes place on the first of the month then stick to that date.

5.       Determine Your Delivery Channels
Email newsletters are good for buyers while direct mail is better for sellers.  Mailing addresses can be bought from list brokers, but know the spam rules.  Also, always clearly identify yourself with full contact information.

6.       Get Interactive
Establish a dialogue with your prospective customers.  Use a self-addressed, stamped reply card that asks a few easy questions for mail-back or a link to an email in an electronic newsletter.

7.       Do the Design
There are plenty of websites that offer templates and newsletter ideas for a reasonable fee, or use a local design company and get a template made.  Brand your agency with a logo, slogan and pictures.

Contact us at REMA to discuss how we can help you to increase your business.