Sunday, June 6, 2010

How to Start your Real Estate Newsletter

A regular newsletter is an effective marketing tool for real estate agents.  Newsletters can establish you as a market expert, give you ongoing communication with potential clients and give you an advertising edge with a targeted audience. 

         Identify your Audience
This is a golden rule of any marketing project, and a real estate newsletter is no difference.  Write down a list of the kind of people you want to reach: retirees or people getting ready to retire, first home buyers or investors.

         Decide on Information your Audience Will be Interested in
People getting ready to retire will want to know if market prices are going up or down, as it could affect their decision on when to buy.  First home buyers will want to know information about new schools or shopping areas.

3.       List your Ideas on Topics that Fit the Audience you are Targeting
Keep adding to the list as you think of ideas.  A regular newsletter needs content, search through local newspapers, publications from local bodies, people you talk to and other sources for ideas.

4.       Schedule Regular Delivery
Once your audience gets used to seeing the newsletter, they will come to expect it.  If you decide distribution takes place on the first of the month then stick to that date.

5.       Determine Your Delivery Channels
Email newsletters are good for buyers while direct mail is better for sellers.  Mailing addresses can be bought from list brokers, but know the spam rules.  Also, always clearly identify yourself with full contact information.

6.       Get Interactive
Establish a dialogue with your prospective customers.  Use a self-addressed, stamped reply card that asks a few easy questions for mail-back or a link to an email in an electronic newsletter.

7.       Do the Design
There are plenty of websites that offer templates and newsletter ideas for a reasonable fee, or use a local design company and get a template made.  Brand your agency with a logo, slogan and pictures.

Contact us at REMA to discuss how we can help you to increase your business.

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